Thursday, January 30, 2020

Analysis of Language, Rhetoric, and Politics in George Orwell’s 1984 Essay Example for Free

Analysis of Language, Rhetoric, and Politics in George Orwell’s 1984 Essay This statement coming from the novel entitled Nineteen Eighty-Four by George Orwell contains different meanings depending on its context and rationality. The phrase â€Å"war is peace† can be define as a prediction or conclusion that peace is always a result of war. When there is war, there would be peace, which is not always true depends on the situation. The phrase â€Å"freedom is slavery† can be said that even if you are free, there are influences, consequences, and contributors that would continue the act of slavery and people would still suffer from these cases. Because when we say freedom, there would be a form of governance and democracy but as long as authority exists, slavery would still become part of freedom. The phrase â€Å"ignorance is strength† can be true sometimes. If you are ignorant, you are more capable of acting without losing anything because you do not know something. Ignorance can be said as an escape to do everything without knowing anything – just to be free. However, why do these phrases were stated if they could actually say what is true and correct without any vague, ambiguous, and doublespeak words or languages. Use of languages can be vague and ambiguous depending on the person who used it, on the context he is relating with, the people he is talking to and the meaning of those words itself. Most often, we use words that are light but critical in order to make our audience or the person we are talking with will be less burdened by the whole situation. We use fuzzy, confusing and light words to exemplify the meaning of what we need to say in accordance to their feelings. One of the practical or simplest examples is the words or languages in business. A corporation needs to reduce its employees due to company problems, but rather than using honest words – they utilized technical words in order to make their employees understand the situations (not the real reason) with no hard feelings or at least minimal objection coming from the employees. One company denied it was laying off 500 people. We dont characterize it as a layoff, said the corporate spin doctor. Were managing our staff resources. Sometimes you manage them up, and sometimes you manage them down. Firing workers is such big business that there are companies whose business is helping other companies fire workers by providing termination and outplacement consulting for corporations involved in reduction activities. But dont worry, if youre managed down, the Outplacement Consultant will help you with re-employment engineering. (Lutz, 1996) Because of these scenarios, people became clueless rather than being educated that are actually needed in every aspect of human life. In order to become productive, we need to be sophisticated by the fact that we need to understand things that are connected to our jobs, sociological interaction, or even personal maters. However, there are instances when these aspects of understanding and education could not be obtained because people behind those conflicts and problems are apprehended by their actions. Therefore, it is a form of stealing – stealing our learning, knowledge, and privilege to recognize sensitive matters. That is why people having these issues are playing-safe to acquire less refusal or conflicts in the future but the consequences will be more problematic. Then, a question will rise towards these issues as it become more active during these times. The question will be what are the grounds of these people to state ambiguous, vague, and doublespeak that are more conflicting rather than honest thoughts? I guess, the reason why these things happened is that people are inherently liar in different forms and grounds as also based on the article of Stephanie Ericsson entitled, The Ways We Lie. Why do they need to do these? It is because they need to compel people that there is no problem or everything is all right to extent of lying just to make things better. We lie. We all do. We minimize, we avoid confrontation, we spare people’s feelings, we conveniently forget, we keep secrets, we justify lying to the big- guy situations. (Ericsson, 1992) This statement shows that we all lie in different situations especially when it is needed or sometimes we used words that are less offensive to minimize the reaction of our audience or who we are talking with. In this case, as connected to the phrases above, use of doublespeak, vague, or ambiguous words are already part of our sociological interaction. We are doing this in order to make the people less objective to the whole situation. However, we cannot deny the fact that it will soon emerged into a conflicting issues that needs to be done in accordance to the law. Coming from the novel Nineteen Eighty-four by Orwell the statement â€Å"robbing its citizens of their capacity for critical thought and reasonable, authentic self-expression† is true not only from the past but also in the present and will still exists in the future. It is a fear we too, in our modern society, must share, or argue that his fear is exaggerated or even unfounded. Because of the cases that were explained above, people could not be able to express themselves because hey are becoming ignorant to what is true and right. I can say that it is better to recognize the truth despite of the failure that it may cause rather than doing some actions and hoping that there would be a brighter future but actually, there would be no solution to the problem is more miserable. Our political, social, economic, and even personal aspects of living are full of doublespeak words and languages. This is because we are not always open to reality and truth for we do not want to be rejected, obligated, and failure. Most often, we keep on hiding from our blankets to escape from the certainty of everything. That is why, in order to minimize these cases, people are already doing lesser projections to reduce absurd feelings that may cause tension and despair. However, does political aspect needs these cases to magnify the burdens of the future. Logically, we know that political cases and aspects should be honest when it comes to its decision, preferences, and problems because its citizens are the primary affected from all of it. Nevertheless, this is not the situation today. There are some situations or maybe almost problematic situations that are hidden from the knowledge of the people for it will bring terrible conflict to the country. If the government could not control the situation and people knew about it, the president or the leader will explain but it will use doublespeak words or languages to make the people more comfortable and to lessen their fright, but up to what extent? Things like these happened after the September 11, 2001 attack in New York. The president claim that the country is already safe from terror attacks but he did not state any problem after the terror attack. He used doublespeak words to make its people less frightened from the whole situation but he did not say anything about the defenseless cases and problem within the white house that the terrorists already warned them but they did not pay attention to it. In this case, they did not want to be blamed so they made some segues and focused on the future having no further justifications of the past and the present. In our time, it is broadly true that political writing is bad writing. Where it is not true, it will generally be found that the writer is some kind of rebel, expressing his private opinions and not a party line. Orthodoxy, of whatever color, seems to demand a lifeless, imitative style. The political dialects to be found in pamphlets, leading articles, manifestoes, White papers and the speeches of undersecretaries do, of course, vary from party to party, but they are all alike in that one almost never finds in them a fresh, vivid, homemade turn of speech. As a whole, Orwell’s novel is a revelation of the past situations that still exists today. Language is not a problem but the people who used the language based on their intentions and desire. If they choose not to be obligated and responsible to the problem, they will use doublespeak words, but if we think of it, who will be responsible for all of those problems if no one is honest about everything? Is it the future generation, or our ancestors?

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

An Investigation into Factors Affecting Resistance of a Wire :: Papers

An Investigation into Factors Affecting Resistance of a Wire Plan: The possible variables I could use to find out factors affecting resistance are material wire is made of, length of wire, temperature and cross sectional area of wire. I will use cross sectional area of wire and length of wire because I think it will be hard to draw conclusions from the material of wire. I am not doing temperature because it would be hard to get results from and I think they wouldn't be as accurate. I will set up a circuit to find out how length and cross sectional area affect resistance. I will need the following components in my circuit to gather all of the necessary results: Â · Component holder- So I can change the wire that I am testing. Â · Voltmeter- Measuring potential difference across the wire, it will have to be across the wire and not just anywhere in the circuit so it is measuring the P.D across the wire I am testing only. Â · Ammeter - measuring current of the circuit, with his and the voltmeter I will be able to work put resistance (R=V/I). As a safety consideration I will keep the Current under 0.5 amps, so the wire doesn't get too hot. Â · Rheostat- So I can vary the voltage in the circuit to take two readings for each wire at different voltages, I will work out an average of the two to reduce the margin of error. Â · Switch- A safety consideration, so the wire doesn't overheat and burn if the circuit is left on for too long. I have decided to test length of wire at, 10cm, 30cm, 50cm, 70cm, 90cm, 110cm, 130cm, 150cm and 170cm keeping a constant cross sectional area of 0.028mm2. I will test cross sectional area at the Cross sectional areas of wire: 0.028 mm2, 0.045 mm2, 0.057 mm2, 0.113 mm2, 0.166 mm2 and 0.246 mm2, keeping a constant length of 50cm. My preliminary work reviled that these were the best constants, and

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Is social media ruining our lives? Do you think social networking sites like Face book have an over all negative effect on society ? Essay

The Negative Effects of Social Media & Technology Why so many people cannot live without their phone updating their face book? In this generation people are so addicted on face book. Before and after they go to bed they cannot help themselves checking other people’s status and updating their personal life. According to Web tends, â€Å"Social media is form of electronic communication through which users create online communities to share information, ideas, and personal messages. Face book is a popular free social networking website that allows registered users to create profiles, upload photos and videos, and keep in touch with friends, family and colleagues. It began as a college networking website and has expanded to include anyone and everyone.† Social media has become part of our daily lives. We are sharing information, ideas, and being able to comment on every ones photos and videos. However, social media has a negative effect in our lives and society. Social networking sites like Face book, My Space, I nstagram, and Twitter have an overall negative effect on society. Face book help to keep us connected to our family, friends and loved-ones. However, people share too much information which can lead to negative threats. Face book has become a big distraction of our society. Social media also allows contact with people around the world. It is actually source of easy communication; it is also common way that people express themselves. It can keep you up to update on the happenings of all our loved ones. However, it has a negative effect on society. Social media has become a big erosion of society. For instance, Face book. If we made ourselves completely exposed to the world, another negative effect on networking sites we shares too much information on face book and it lead us to physical danger. Cyber bullying has become a real threat; especially to teenagers it leads them to suicides. Face book has quickly become one of the most popular social networking websites on the internet. Once you have signed up for Face book account, you have made yourself completely exposed to the world. When you put all your personal private information on face book a lot of people can see your personal information. For instance, if someone wants to find anything about you, they will be able to find you on face book. The people with who you haven’t talked to in a long time for instance, your old classmates, or old friends. The negative effect on  social media sites is what if you were hiding from someone, someone you don’t want to talk to because you owed them some money or they were harassing you, they would be able to find you fairly easily. The bad thing about face book is you cannot hide from someone unless you deactivate your account. The good thing to do on face book is just keep our information private, so the people who are trying to find you on face book cannot do anything. Face book users shares too much information which can lead them a negative threats. They are over sharing of details in their everyday lives. For example, when someone posts photos or videos on face book and Twitter, it becomes viral. Even if the user deletes the video from his/her account, someone mi ght have kept it and then posted in onto other sites. According to We Shall Over share Mary Katherine, â€Å"There are thousands over sharing online as I write, paying the price with a decrease of their dignity, so you don’t have to. It’s amazing how reasonably you act when everyone you know (and many you don’t) is watching you.† Mary Katherine Ham also said, â€Å"It caused to illustrate the dangers of living a life online. As millions of us have taken to Face book, MySpace, and Twitter to connect with friends, share stories, and post pictures at a quickness and total heretofore unknown, we’ve also exponentially multiplied ways to humiliate ourselves. [The weekly Standard, June 8, 2009]. I think people should have personal responsibility because once you say or post something on Face book, you don’t get it back. Consistently, we are over sharing on social networking sites for instance, our photos and videos. Because we are so excited to let people know, what’s going on in our lives? However, we don’t know the danger on social networking sites it goes viral. In the end, we blamed other people for our irresponsible actions. While bullying has always been an issue of society, it seems that in our modern society become common through online media like Face book. It happens to all the children and teenagers. In â€Å"Colleen’s Weekly Blog,† John Halligan father of Ry an’s spoke, â€Å"His son was bullied so badly that he committed suicide at the age of thirteen.( new form of cyber bullying has been more popular in middle school and high schools. Cyber bullying lead them to suicide because of people hurts other people. There are also a small amount of parents that have face book accounts and keep up with their children. Once we are completely exposed to the social media like face book  and Twitter, we should have more responsibilities for our actions. Networking sites is like fast food, it goes so fast. It will lead us to negative effect on our lives. Social media has become a major part of our society. It connects us to communicate with our family and friends who lived on other city or other country. Face book, MySpace, Instagram and Twitter. However, it has a lot of negative effect on our If we post something on face book or other social media we should personal responsibility for our actions society. People are so addicted on social media like face book. Social media has been big erosion for us. Constantly we forget that we have something to do in our daily lives. Too much information on face book can lead us negative effect on our lives. It also leads to suicide because of cyber bullying. In this generation technology has become famous, people become addicted on social media. If we post something on face book or other social media we should personal responsibility for our actions. Online communication frequently takes the place of real life. They become dependent on the technology and forget how to socialize in face to-face. Back in the day computer did not exist; they only used telephone to communicate with other people. People used to live a simple life and had more time for their family and friends. What happened to our generation right now? Why is our society, especially the young generations, are so addicted to new technology? They cannot leave without their phone; they cannot go to sleep without checking their face book. What if technology did not exist? Are we going to be more focused on our everyday lives? Are we going to have a simple life without depending on our technology?

Sunday, January 5, 2020

Essay about European Colonialism and Imperialism - 992 Words

How were the Europeans able to conquer and control large areas of the globe? What gave them a great advantage over other groups? The proximate cause of this advantage was their possession of guns, germs, and steel. But how is it that they possessed these things and others did not? Ultimate causes of the Europeans possession of these guns, germs, and steel could be â€Å"Divine Providence.† People at the time thought that God favored the Europeans over other groups. Another ultimate cause could have been â€Å"Scientific Racism.† Other people believed that the Europeans were genetically superior to the other regions of the world. Now, because of Jared Diamond’s thesis, we can conclude that the ultimate cause of European colonialism and imperialism†¦show more content†¦Africa had 51 candidates but none of them could be domesticated. In the Americas, there were 24 candidates but only 1 was domesticated. In Australia, there was only 1 candidate and they coul d not domesticate it. Even though there were many of candidates for domestication in areas other than Eurasia, most of those animals just simply couldn’t be domesticated. It was not because of the cultures in these places, it was because the animals had to fit under certain requirements. They had to be the right size, have an easy diet, have a stable growth rate, and have a pleasant disposition. For example, an elephant could not be domesticated because it takes a long time for the elephant to reach its full size. Also, a zebra could not be domesticated because it would violently bite and, zebras in general, were too hard to domesticate. Again, we have a clear example of geographic luck. Disease gave Europe a large advantage when conquering wide expanses of land around the globe. South Africans and Australian Aborigines had no domesticated animals. They didn’t form any immunity to European diseases because they did not live in close proximity with any non-domesticated animals. However, Europeans had lived with domesticated farm animals for thousands of years. The diseases of the Europeans came from farm animals but immunities formed over time. The Native Americans, South Africans, and Australian Aborigines did not have any immunity to disease like the Europeans did. TheShow MoreRelated European Colonialism and Imperialism in Shakespeares The Tempest949 Words   |  4 PagesEuropean Colonialism and Imperialism in Shakespeares The Tempest William Shakespeare’s play The Tempest reveals how ideologies of racial ‘otherness’ served to legitimize European patriarchal hegemony in Elizabethan England. In the Elizabethan/ Jacobean times of England there were many relevant ideologies relevant to this play. 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