Saturday, March 9, 2019
The Natural Cycle of Humanity and the Decay of Modern Society in The Wasteland
There is no ro homophilece, no passion, except a ter quietrial circular time of events, crowds of people, walking round in a reflect (56). In The Wasteland, by T. S. Eliot, the corporation of the twentieth century is described as detached, dreary and monotonous. It is a collection of dysfunctional consanguinitys and tedious tasks, saturated with an worry slightly death. There is a fit between the atrophy of society and the land destroyed during the Second World War. To escape a daily and apathetic compriseence, gays strive for the unattainable, to overcome the limits of humanity.However some(prenominal) exhalation from the inwrought cycle of the human world leads to the emergence of the wasteland. Although death haunts the speakers in the rime, it is liberation in comparison to the horror of the wasteland. There is persistent angst and solicitude of death in the poem, yet death is everywhere. The many speakers in the poem wish for without endity and to overcome the confines of humanity. In The Burial of the bushed(p) the woman, queasy about her fate, goes to see the fortune-teller, Madame Sosostris, who pulls out the Hanged Man tarot card and warns her to business concern death by peeing (55).The fortune-tellers words reoccur later in stopping point by Water, a description of the grotesque death of Phlebas the Phoenician. His death, symbolized by the whirlpool, confirms that there is no regeneration there is no return from the whirlpool. The recognition of the fortune implies that fate cannot be defeated. In What the Thunder Said Eliot once again states that there is no escape from death He who was living in now dead/ We who are living are now expiry (328-329).In The Burial of the Dead the speaker desires to abandon memories, he describes reflect as cruel it causes sorrowful memories to resurface, while winter kept us warm/ covering Earth in forgetful snow (5-6). What he does not realize is that human existence is a collection of fra gments that manifest memories in an ongoing cycle, illustrated in the first stanza of The Burial of the Dead. Abandonment of memories leads to a futile existence. The wasteland first appears in the second stanza of The Burial of the Dead contrasting the first stanza, which is full of life and memories.The narrator is separated from the natural course of existence and is addressing a person of the human world, Son of man ( ) for you only know a heap of broken images (20-23). The listener is representative of the human cycle, he is still constituent of time Your shadow at morning striding behind you/ Or your shadow rising to meet you (28-29). He does not understand the true fear that comes once time ceases to exist the way the speaker does I will show you fear in a handful of dust (30). The speaker has disconnected from society and drifted into the wasteland, suggested by Eliots diction stony rubbish, dead tree, dry out match, dust.Only there has he discovered the true substanc e of fear an unearthly abyss. The wasteland is a situation or a place more terrifying than human imagination can conceive. It is actualize emptiness, devoid of the structures of person, place and time. Without time memories become meaningless repetitions and cease to exist. The wisecrack at the blood of the poem introduces the immortal character Sibyl. Sybil is detached from the rest of the world by her cursed immortality and lives withering away and shriveled up, relish for death, the only escape from her suffering.The other immortal character in the poem, Tiresias, is blind, pound between two lives (line 218), also alienated from the human world, not only by his immortality but also because he is a hermaphrodite. Sybil and Tiresiass separation from the sequence of life compel them to lead a miserable existence. The voices of these immortal characters show how only once immortality is experienced can death become a salvation, a place of peace. The advanced(a) dealinghips th at Eliot portrays are devoid of love, companionship and desire.The matter when love fails, a wasteland develops is recurring throughout the poem. The author ceaselessly alludes to the legend of the Fisher King. In the legend, The Fisher King was hurt and became ineffectual and ill, disabling him to care for his kingdom. He was left alone to lead a meaningless life, fishing. Without his love the land deteriorated, lost its fertility and perished into the wasteland. Similarly, in the modern society, alienation from the natural world and a depletion of love leads to decay.The woman in A Game of Chess attempts to speak to her significant other, distressed about their relationship. She pleads with him to stay with her, to speak to her and to share his thoughts with her (111-113). He is detached, remaining silent and mentation only of death. The man has separated from humanity while the woman frame part of the cyclical existence. The couple remains together yet their relationship has become a wasteland there is nothing between them. In A Game of Chess, Lil and Alberts relationship is presented though a chat in a pub.Lil is revolting to Albert, he tells her that he cannot even destitute to look at her (144). Lils automobile trunk is disintegrating, a consequence of the pills, given to her by the pharmacist, that she took to induce an abortion. They caused her to drastically age and lose her teeth. Lils desire to not shed children is portrayed as abnormal, What you get married for it you dont want children? (164). Lils actions lead to her body becoming a wasteland. The encounter between the banker and the typist in The Fire utterance again manifests the absence of love.Their meeting is solely sexual and devoid of any feelings. Even the sex holds no pleasure and is non-reproductive. The woman is indifferent to their relations and upon his departure thinks Well now thats over and Im glad its over (252), as if she had completed another chore. These series of affairs reflect the atmosphere of the society, the deficiency of intimacy and the disconnection of human relations. The wasteland is a consequence of the misery to care, to love, to give birth and to partake in the cycle. T. S Eliot creates a parallel between the wretched land of the Fisher King and the slaughter, destruction and deflower created by World War II.The barren landscape left by World War II reflects the inner decay of humanity the same(p) way the sterile land of the Fisher King is an outward task of his inner sickness. The desolate landscape of the wasteland described in the beginning of the poem, returns along with the character of the Fisher King. Eliot describes the miserable condition of the wasteland, sterile, dry and unbearable.He creates a surreal image of a desert mountains of rock without water, endless plains, cracked earth (370), and bats with baby faces in the regal light (380). This place transforms into the barren kingdom of the Fisher King, suggested by the desolate chapel, which is an allusion to the Chapel Perilous. In the legend of the saintly Grail, Parsifal found the Holy Grail in the Chapel Perilous and life returned to the land. However, in the expel chapel in the poem there are only dry bones, signifying that vitality will not return to the land wish well it does in the legend.Instead society continues to decay illustrated in the line capital of the United Kingdom Bridge is falling down (427). In reality there is no Holy Grail, there is no change I sat upon the bound/ Fishing with the arid plain behind me (424-425). The banal, circular sequence of human life continues. Eliot explores the themes of life, death, immortality and alienation throughout The Wasteland. These themes are examined in various historic contexts, from ancient myths to the modern society and tied together by the immortal characters, Sibyl and Tiresias. Disconnected by the varying historical context and the many narrators, T. S. Eliots title of writing in The Wasteland mirrors the disintegrated moments that give meaning to human life. human beings life is cyclical, routine and mundane with memories as the only specks of color on an otherwise gray canvas. Death is not an ending it is only part of the cycle. Immortality, the desire to forget and deprivation of emotion and of love are unnatural and create a partition from the human world where the wasteland appears. moderne Society consists of failed relationships and hollow humans existing in the Unreal City. Its difference of fertility and love results in the emergence of a wasteland.
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