Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Lg Hr Policies

LG ELECTRONICS LTD draw rear A extensive working environment will in allow you to exercise and develop all of your skills, and youll be duly rewarded too LG Electronics creates working environments that enable all its employees to shew their capabilities, focus on their own work, and create value. HR Principles drawframe Creativity and autonomy An individuals creativity is the basis for value creation. LG Electronics respects diversity and autonomy, allowing each of its employees to exercise their creativity to the full. Emphasis on competence competence is the basis for performance. LG Electronics sees competence as the most important factor in its personnel decisions. Performance-based rewards Rewards based on performance are essential for gracious motivation. LG Electronics evaluates performance results fairly and rewards them accordingly. Equal opportunities Equal opportunities build trust among people. LG Electronics ensures adjoin opportunities regardless of gender, race, age, religion, or nationality. Long-term thought Maintaining a long-run perspective is the foundation for LGs human resources policies.LGs human resources programs are designed with a long-term perspective and implemented with dedication and persistence. drawframe Training finished its education centers worldwide, LG Electronics offers diverse educational programs to its employees according to rank and job to gain ground growth and development and mold them into the right people for the company. They do this by equipping them with the professional capabilities that the company needs and enabling them to apply the latest technologies to their work.Rewards LG Electronics offers its employees a competitive, unique rewards dodge that takes account of their working situations by nation, region, and job. This rewards strategy motivates employees to perform better by helping them to enhance their quality of life. LGs rewards system consists of fixed salaries and flexible salaries. Fixed salaries are determined every social class through a fair evaluation process. Flexible salaries are ready rewards given to individual employees for their performance and competence.

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