Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Comparison Between 1920s and 1930s

Michelle Heredia The 1920s was the first decade to have a nickname such as Roaring 20s or Jazz Age. For some(prenominal) an(prenominal) Americans, the 1920s was a decade of prosperity and confidence. But for others this decade seemed to bring heathenish conflicts, nativists against immigrants, religious liberals against fundamentalists and rural provincials against urban cosmopolitans. There was a drastic convince in economy through the course of 1920 to 1930. During 1930 the great depression had turn the American imagine into a nightmare and what once was the land of chance had become the land of desperation.Both 1920s and 1930s have been characterized for radical political movements. Also throughout the course of these two decades entertainment was a monstrous hit. Celebration was a big part of the 1920s and due to this, many different behaviors were developed among these large populations, dancing became a big thing, lot loved to dance especially the Charleston, Fox-trot and Shimmy. Dance marathons were something people went to each week closing. The radio became very usual as well people wish listening to Jazz, especially the king of Jazz, Louis Armstrong.People too tuned in to listen to sports and rest events. Movies were also a big thing during this decade. Parlor games and board games were popular in the 1930s, people gathered around the radio to listen to the Yankees. preteen people danced to big readinesss. The golden age of the mystery novel keep as people escaped into books, reading writers like Agatha Christie, Dashielle Hammett and Raymond Chandler. Big band or swing became very popular. Meanwhile there were also many differences between the two decades. During the 1920s for the first time more Americans lived in cities rather than on farms.For many Americans the festering of cities, the rise of a consumer culture, the augment of mass entertainment and the so-called revolution in morals and ingenuity represented liberation from the restrictions of the countrys Victorian past. Sexual mores, sex roles, hair styles, and dressing all changed. In this decade penicillin was discovered and also the insulin for diabetics. The nations wealth more than doubled and this economic growth brought many Americans into an affluent but unfamiliar consumer society. October 29, 1929 later became known as black Thurs twenty-four hours, the stock market began its downhill drop.Many people believed that after this day prices would rise again as it had occurred in the past, but instead prices unplowed dropping. America had celebrated for eight years, but now everything was wasted in just weeks by the stock market. It was the sad ending to the glorious decade. nonetheless the beginning of the 1930s, in the beginning one quarter of all wage-earning workers were unemployed and money was scarce because of the depression. During the great depression the American dream had now become a nightmare what once was the land of hazard had turned into the land of desperation.President Herbert Hoover did not do much to salvage the crisis, he only argued that there was patience and self reliance need to get them through this incident. But in 1932, Americans elected a new-fangled president, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, who pledged to use the power of the federal government to make Americans lives better. oer the next nine years Roosevelts New Deal created a new role for government in American life. Many Americans looked at the 1920s as a decade of confidence and prosperity. However the end of the decade brought about big changes economically, politically, and socially.

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