Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Processing a Crime Scene Essay -- Crime Scene Investigation

There are several steps that need to be taken in order to process a offense dead reckoning. slightly of the steps include securing the scene, a detailed search, documenting the offensive activity scene, collecting and preserving exhibit, and at last releasing the scene. All of the following steps are crucial to bend any possible contamination or otherwise compromise the scene before it smoke be released. Few, if any additional opportunities exist when bear upon a crime scene, so the first time is most pertinent. first-class honours degree responders play a crucial role in the establishment of a crime scene. Upon arriving at the scene, the first responders make stayed for living victims and have rendered aid. Its important to create a perimeter around the crime scene (this can be altered if additional evidence is make outside the initial crime scene). Only emergency personnel should attain and subject from the central entry point to control contamination, by creating an exit point it helps avoid any excessive traffic through the crime scene. By punch the scene to ensure that no evidence is pose or damaged, or otherwise compromised. Do a cursory check of the crime scene to obtain any transient evidence and secure any weapons found at the scene (in this case it was already at the scene with the suspect). Crime scene analysts and investigators communicate with first responders and are rapidly briefed on the situation, and now a more thorough search can be conducted. A scene search is necessary to find evidence such as shell casings, biological evidence etc. At the time, a more detailed, extensive search will begin. Investigators have do their initial notations of the scene and created their hypothesis of the crime. The survey is an organizational stage to design ... ...ditional visits to the crime scene could cause a compromise if entered into evidence at trial.Works CitedGaensslen, R. E., Harris, H A., & Lee, H. (2008). Introduction to For ensic Science and Criminalistics. New York, NY The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. . case Institute of Justice (2004, June). Crime Scene investigating A computer address for Law Enforcement Training. Retrieved June 3, 2011, from http//www.ncjrs.gov/pdffiles1/nij/200160.pdf Razzaq, N. Z. (2008). Visual Documentation in Crime Scene Investigations. Retrieved June 3, 2011, from http//policelink.monster.com/ grooming/articles/17221-visual-documentation-in-crime-scene-investigationsTechnical Working Group on Crime Scene Investigation (2000, January). Crime Scene Invesitgation A Guide for Law Enforcement. Retrieved May 26, 2011, from http//www.ncjrs.gov/pdffiles1/nij/178280.pdf

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